
Gateway to the Arctic

2024-05-28 10:17
For many generations of polar discoverers, pioneers, researchers and travelers, Khatanga has been, is and will be not only a point on the Arctic coast of Russia for four hundred years.

The village on the banks of the river of the same name is one of the most important centers for the study, exploration and development of the Far North. The importance of this place was especially acutely felt for polar aviators, who, after long hours of flying on ice reconnaissance, found in Khatanga the warmth and comfort of small flight hotels, which had doors without locks and the composition of the guests almost did not change from year to year. It was here that the feeling of polar brotherhood and friendship was acutely felt. For every polar explorer of the Soviet Union or a foreigner whom fate brought to Khatanga, it became a second home. Here we met after long expeditions, rested, celebrated our successes, and developed new daring routes. When we gather with our comrades in the North, we always remember the hospitality of Khatanga. Everything about it is special - the nature, the atmosphere, even the taste of the wonderful local water cannot be confused with anything else. There was a time when all Arctic routes led to Khatanga. I remember those times with great warmth. I hope that the tourism project will breathe new life into this region.

Khatanga gives its guests a unique opportunity to feel the spirit and magic of the North by taking part in real polar expeditions. Particular attention in the tourism cluster is paid to safety. And after expeditionary forays, guests will find a comfortable hotel “Mammoth”, an ice-class expedition yacht for the northernmost cruise, northern signature cuisine and, of course, stories from experienced polar explorers. Tourist routes are developed by the best specialists, taking into account the geographical, historical, and cultural characteristics of the region.

"Gateway to the Arctic". This name was assigned to Khatanga in Soviet times. The village of Khatanga, which appeared as a small Cossack winter hut, quickly grew and became a key outpost for the exploration of the Far North in the 20th century. Most of the Soviet high-latitude expeditions started from here, consolidating the USSR's primacy in the circumpolar territories. Today, as part of the state policy for the development of the Russian Arctic, Khatanga is experiencing a renaissance. The airport has been modernized and the infrastructure is being revived. Thanks to the Northern Sea Route, the cargo turnover of the port of Khatanga is growing every year. Through public-private partnership, Khatanga is regaining the honorary title of “Gateway to the Arctic”